On October 27, 2024, in an exciting series, Tomateros de Culiacán defeated Charros de Jalisco decisively with a score of 7-3. Key to this victory was pitcher Victor 'Sherman' Castañeda, earning his third win of the season with an impressive 1.35 ERA. Although the Charros managed to score first, the Tomateros quickly responded, not only tying the game but taking the lead with a series of powerful hits, including home runs from Luis Verdugo and Cristian Santana. This victory marked the seventh consecutive win for the Culiacán team this season, placing them in a strong position in the league standings. Meanwhile, the Charros, still searching for their first win of the series, struggled offensively despite some flashes of brilliance from their best hitters. The Tomateros’ defense, including their relief pitchers, remained composed under pressure, ensuring a clear home victory. Manager Oscar Robles expressed satisfaction with his team’s performance, even with modified lineups due to player rotations. The coming weeks will be crucial for both teams as competition intensifies.
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