A recent investigation by our news team has focused on the case of Commander Pai Sansang Phithak, a prominent surgeon and medical advisor at Bangkok Hospital. The analysis of an x-ray revealed crucial insights into the health complications surrounding the individual. According to the social media post from the individual's music label, the x-ray images showed abnormalities in the cervical vertebrae, specifically injuries to vertebrae 4 and 5. These anomalies raised concerns regarding spinal misalignment that could potentially compress the spinal cord leading to paralysis. While it is suggested that such abnormalities may be congenital, the precise cause of the paralysis is yet unknown. The situation escalated when the individual experienced paralysis after a therapeutic massage, which has led to circulating speculations regarding the role of the massage in the deterioration of health. The medical expert urged caution in prematurely blaming the massage therapist, as the detailed autopsy results and thorough examination are awaited to clarify the cause of death.
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