As the 2024 election rapidly approaches, the political atmosphere remains tense with polls showing Trump and Harris neck-and-neck in what many feel is a critical moment for American democracy. Concerns are rising over the legitimacy of the electoral process, harkening back to events leading up to the tumultuous election of 2020. The backdrop is the divided political landscape, marked by distrust between parties. Trump has stated that he will accept the results if they are free and fair. However, he continues to falsely assert that he won the previous election, creating an environment ripe for potential unrest if he loses. Legal challenges already feature prominently in this election cycle, with states like Georgia allowing Trump-aligned officials to manage election processes. If challenges arise, the Harris campaign has mobilized a significant legal team to prepare for disputes after the ballots are cast. The situation echoes other nations with similar political divisions, and numerous Americans reportedly fear possible extremist violence post-election. The combination of a highly contentious race, historical precedents, and existing conspiracy theories contribute to an unsettling electoral atmosphere as both parties brace for fierce battles in and out of the courts. If previous indicators hold, the nation may be in for a tumultuous election season regardless of the outcome.
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