In a thrilling tale set within the mystical realm of the Three Thousand Fireworks Star Territory, the young alchemist Xiao Yan finds himself navigating through treachery and power struggles. His journey sparks when he overhears a conversation revealing a high-ranking figure from the Soul Palace, an organization notorious for capturing powerful souls. Fueled by a desire to rescue his mentor, Yao Chen, whose alchemical prowess places him at the center of an ongoing conflict with the Ye family and the dangerous Soul Palace, Xiao Yan seeks alliances while contending with powerful adversaries. Amidst an atmosphere rife with market negotiations and intimidating forces, our protagonist realizes the necessity of enhancing his strength. He engages in bargaining for potent elixirs and treasures like the Snow Drum Ginseng and Su Xin Dan, tools he believes essential for his journey. As rivals surface within the bustling market intertwined with alchemy, the stakes get higher, testing Xiao Yanβs resolve and ingenuity. The tensions reach a peak as he prepares to face the powerful Dou Zun figures, whose presence looms large in the fateful battles ahead. Echoes of ancient pacts, family legacies, and the pursuit of strength resonate throughout, paving the way for a confrontation between enduring legacies and the drive for personal redemption.
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