The story revolves around a man who has lived in a deserted factory for 15 years, adapting to changes in his environment and cohabiting with animals. Isolated from society, his existence generates suspicion among local residents, who share whispers about him. Once a skilled electrician, he lost his job and consequently distanced himself from his family, spending years in solitude. Although representatives from a homeless rehabilitation center reached out to assist him, he recoiled from human kindness, being unaccustomed to such gestures of warmth. Ultimately, he musters the courage to visit his late mother's grave, vowing to mend his fragmented family ties. This narrative deeply explores the themes of loneliness, despair, and the indomitable human spirit. Even amid overwhelming isolation, the manβs struggle to retain hope and seek a new beginning is evident. His story is not just about survival but also about the desire to reconnect, serve as a mirror reflecting the often unseen struggles of those living at life's margins.
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