The story unfolds with the struggles of Choi Dong-cheol, who finds himself in a dreary life under constant reproach by his wife. One fateful day, he meets a beautiful woman at a dance sports club and quickly becomes enamored with her, seeking solace from his loneliness. As their secret affair blossoms, Dong-cheol's wife grows suspicious of his behavior. Eventually, she uncovers the truth about his infidelity, prompting Dong-cheol to contemplate divorce. However, his new lover, Lim Ji-young, is also entangled in a relationship with another man. When she declares her desire to leave Dong-cheol, he finds himself overwhelmed with emotion, leading to a tragic decision. In the end, Dong-cheol's choices culminate in a heinous act, resulting in a murder charge and a 15-year prison sentence. This poignant narrative illustrates that the pursuit of revenge and jealousy, often arising from love, can lead to devastating outcomes that tarnish the notion of love itself.
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