The recent launch of iOS 18 has introduced significant changes to the Photos app, causing discontent among users who feel overwhelmed by its new design. Users have described the new interface as multifarious and opaque, with features that seem jam-packed into one interface without a clear separation or organization. Moreover, terms such as 'despicable' and 'pointless' highlight the frustration felt by many. The app now includes various segments such as recent days, memories, trips, media types, and wallpaper suggestions, all appearing together in a single feed. To alleviate the clutter, users can customize their feed by scrolling down to the bottom of the app and selecting the 'customize and reorder' option. This feature allows them to rearrange the visibility of specific items or turn off the segments they find unnecessary. Ultimately, many users stated that they prefer a simplified view that only displays the photos they have taken. This adjustment hints at a desire for a more streamlined experience that harkens back to the older versions of the app.
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