Britney Lewis, a Forbes reporter, converses with Maggie McGrath, Forbes Women Editor, about the fourth annual 50 Over 50 list. The list celebrates women stepping into their power in their 50s and beyond, featuring trailblazers in diverse sectors such as politics, innovation, investment, and lifestyle. The concept, inspired by Mika Brzezinski, aims to highlight women who pivoted or amplified their careers later in life. Noteworthy individuals include Cindy McCain, now leading the UN's World Food Program, and Valerie Jarrett, CEO of the Obama Foundation. The oldest honoree, 102-year-old Deborah S., co-founded a wellness resort in 1950. The list showcases a wide array of influential women, including filmmakers, scientists, and sports coaches, emphasizing that age is an advantage and advocating for gender equity in various fields. A recurring theme is the importance of life experience, even failures, as a foundation for significant achievements and societal contributions.
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