In an intriguing shift to meet audience expectations, a performer has decided to dedicate an entire hour-long show to the music of Kate Bush. Responding to repeated requests, the artist plans to explore Bush's catalog, emphasizing a light-hearted challenge to the spectators: after this showcase, they will surely refrain from asking for another Kate Bush song again. The show, set to take place daily at 5:30 PM at the Pleasant's Dome until the end of The Fringe festival, combines humor with a passion for music. The performer humorously notes that they have never met Kate Bush but holds a dual hope of being welcomed graciously or possibly receiving a cease and desist notification. A playful spirit is evident as the performer unveils a backup drag name, 'Jima Bag,' should any legal issues arise from the tribute. This show promises to engage fans of Bush's unique sound, as well as provide an entertaining listening experience during a vibrant festival.
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