Kim Soo-mi, a beloved figure and known as 'National Mother,' has passed away, leaving an expansive legacy of love and warmth. Her relationship with her daughter-in-law, Seo Yu-rim, has come into the spotlight. Seo Yu-rim expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the unwavering support and affection she received from Kim Soo-mi throughout their time together. Notably, Kim Soo-mi demonstrated her love by gifting an apartment to Seo Yu-rim, which underscores the depth of their bond. Following Kim's passing, Seo Yu-rim has shared her struggles dealing with this immense loss, reflecting on the profound connection they shared. The warmth within their family serves as a reminder of the importance of strong familial ties. The impact of Kim Soo-mi's death is felt not only by her immediate family but resonates across the entire nation. She is remembered fondly by the public for her compassion and kindness as she consistently made efforts to connect with citizens as a beloved matriarch. The legacy she leaves behind is a testament to the power of love and familial connections, which will continue to inspire and influence many.
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