Serious Concerns Over Detainee Treatment in Police Custody

Today, MP Nazir Jamil of the PKS faction made an important statement regarding the treatment of detainees in police institutions. He expressed concern over the case of a detainee named Bayu, who faced inhumane treatment that ultimately led to his death. Jamil emphasized the need for police forces in Central Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara to receive adequate training and knowledge about detainee rights and services. He noted that this incident should serve as a lesson to enhance public trust in the police. Dissatisfaction with treatment within law enforcement agencies has prompted calls for the commission leadership to establish a small team to offer solutions and delve into this case. Jamil stressed the importance of using courageous language to support those striving to uphold justice while prioritizing the protection of integral police officers. This approach parallels how a sports coach must equip athletes with skills and knowledge to support their performance in the field, ensuring there are no fatal failures.
  • • MP Nazir Jamil made a statement in the meeting.
  • • Expressed concern about the treatment of detainee, Bayu.
  • • Police chiefs of Central Sulawesi and NTT urged to improve training.
  • • Need for understanding detainee rights among police.
  • • Jamil called for maintaining public trust in the police.
  • • Support for integral police officers was emphasized.
  • • Call for a small team by Commission 3 of the DPR.
  • • Nationalism and courage in upholding justice were highlighted.
  • • This incident reflects the need for improvements in the system.
  • • The principle of good detainee service must be prioritized.
* hawa bundu helped DAVEN to generate this content on 10/29/2024 .

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