In an exciting culinary revelation, Jen Harris, a renowned food columnist at the LA Times, shared her and restaurant critic B Addison's experiences in creating the year's top restaurant list. Over the past six months, they meticulously dined at more than 300 restaurants to curate a diverse selection. The journey was not without its challenges; Harris and Addison had differing tastes, especially notable in their discussions about pizza, leading to spirited but respectful debates. After much deliberation, they narrowed down their favorites to a list of 101 restaurants, with KO in the arts district being crowned as the number one. This restaurant stood out due to its culinary ambition and the inspiration drawn from chef John Yao's San Gabriel Valley upbringing, reflecting the essence of dining in contemporary Los Angeles. Their efforts aimed to capture every neighborhood and cuisine, showcasing the city's rich culinary landscape. Therefore, the process not only highlighted the restaurants but also emphasized the importance of representation in the Los Angeles dining scene.
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