In anticipation of the 'Super Beast Earthquake' event scheduled for October 2024, the collaboration gacha with the popular anime 'The Quintessential Quintuplets' has been announced, generating immense expectations among fans. The new gacha will introduce five characters, all represented as stars, with a special surprise from the management allowing players to obtain one of these five characters for free. While the opportunity for the free gacha is greatly appreciated, the nature of the colossal collaboration means there will be no individual pick-ups, making it quite challenging to collect every character. Furthermore, the Monster Strike characters are set at impressively strong abilities, with a particular focus on Mikujou Sajo being highlighted as a standout character, suggesting that the management is investing significant effort into her. There are also possibilities for the appearance of former notable characters like Masamune and Nightmare Kuo, making this a tantalizing prospect for fans. Overall, there is a palpable sense of excitement surrounding this event, with attention honing in on the enticing prospects of the Super Beast collaboration.
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