In a recent discussion, Cardinal Fernando Chomalรญ shared his views on the moral and value crisis currently experienced in Chile. He claimed that these issues are not unique to the country, but rather a global phenomenon where the lack of values is reflected in various social problems such as violence, extreme poverty, and despair among young people. However, he also highlighted signs of hope, including the commitment of many youths to values and volunteer work. Chomalรญ emphasized the importance of promoting positive values and building united communities around shared faith. He pointed out that the current circumstances have led many individuals to forget the significance of God and to succumb to excessive individualism. His message advocates for a return to the fundamental values that encourage community, family, and a better future. Education and culture are viewed as essential pillars for social change, particularly at a time when more people are seeking meaning and belonging in their lives. Ultimately, he encourages the youth not to lose hope and to fight for a better future, reminding everyone that each person has a role in the change they wish to see in their nation.
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